Raw materials
We manufacture packaging whose paper origin is certified PEFC (PEFC/07-31-322) or FSC® Mixed (FSC-C138900). This certification ensures the sustainability of our forests through sustainable and responsible management. A true lung of the planet, the forest plays a role as a CO2 sensor and climate regulator. We therefore encourage this type of initiative which is beneficial for all.

To provide you with the most sustainable bags possible, Semoulin Packaging has opted for the self-production of electricity with photovoltaic panels.
We are proud that 55% of our energy consumed is produced from our solar power plant.
Number of photovoltaic panels – 1631
Power – 531 kWp
We are implementing a policy of reducing and recovering production waste. Wastewater resulting from the use of water-based inks is treated by an in-house treatment plant. (The water is reused in a closed circuit in order to reduce consumption as much as possible). Our paper waste is recycled and our other waste is recovered for energy by approved companies.